Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DOTA walkthrough: Basic Items for Strong Huskar

Huskar can be the most heavy killer if we can choose correct strategy. Choosing item is one of important strategy. There is item build that can make your Huskar kill the enemy quickly.

1. Bracer
2. Bracer
3. Heart of Tarrasque
4. Boots of Travel
5. MKB
6. Heart of Tarrasque

"Why does not ring?" You may ask, well, Bracers give you more HP, and at the same time, more power to increase the Inner Vitality's impact, therefore, to give you a strong regeneration at the beginning of the game. Power Treads, and on the other hand, very synergize Burning Spear and the Berserker's Blood, which allows you to handle large loads of damage.

Huskar is basically a DPS, IAS, and a tank, all rolled in one. His high-speed attack and the damage done to her exceptional than a killer, while his Ultimate requires him to put loads of HP and the growing strength of items. Buriza would compliment the latter, which he has had the capability to the enemies down quickly.